A Pain In The Foot: Caring For Your Feet

Are Your Toes Signalling The Need For An Appointment With A Podiatrist?

by Dylan Peck

When you think of foot problems that require the attention of a podiatrist, you probably think of trauma that impedes the functioning of your foot such as a sprained ankle, a torn Achilles tendon and other forms of physical damage You may also envision foot diseases, for example, fungal infections that would need immediate treating to prevent spreading. Nonetheless, not many people consider the onset of unusual symptoms that perhaps may not be accompanied by pain at the start but are indicative of an underlying issue.

One thing to note about your feet, and subsequently your toes, is that these extremities are the last to receive blood during circulation since the brain and the internal organs come first. Therefore, any changes to your feet and toes are typically indicative of a medical issue that needs immediate attention since it has been ongoing for a while. To ensure no health condition is overlooked, read on to determine if your toes are signalling the need for an appointment with a podiatrist

Hair loss on your toes

Having hairy toes is not something most people are proud of. So when you begin to lose this hair with no efforts on your part, it is understandable that you may not want to change a thing! In reality, though, if your toes are naturally hairy, a sudden loss should be concerning, as it could be indicative of peripheral arterial disease.

When one develops PAD, a major symptom that typically goes unnoticed is insufficient blood flow. The poorer your circulation is, the more prominent issues with your extremities will be. Thus, you should expect to develop other symptoms in addition to the loss of hair. Seeing a podiatrist immediately is critical so that you can undergo x-rays that would determine if your arteries are hardening. If PAD is caught early, you have a better chance at responding to the treatment.

Presence of red lines on the toenails

The appearance of tiny red lines on your toenails may not be worrying to you, more so if you do not experience any discomfort. However, this seemingly innocuous symptom can be indicative of a serious underlying issue. Medically referred to as splinter haemorrhages, the red lines comprise tiny blood clots that have formed in the capillaries beneath the toenails. The blood clots will usually affect individuals that have already been diagnosed with a weak immune system or a heart problem and those who have a pacemaker.

When they form, they suggest that the patient has developed an infection in their heart referred to as endocarditis. The infection needs to be diagnosed by a cardiologist. But if you notice any strange redness under your toes, it is critical to see a podiatrist so they can establish if you have developed splinter haemorrhages in the first place.
