A Pain In The Foot: Caring For Your Feet

Understanding How Podiatry Can Benefit Older People

by Dylan Peck

Podiatry is a healthcare profession that deals with foot health and foot hygiene. As you age, the skin on your feet can be more prone to cracking and cuts or scrapes can take longer to heal, which can leave you susceptible to developing a skin infection or abscess. You may also find it difficult to carry out basic foot care yourself, such as trimming your nails and filing away rough skin. There are also some health conditions that are more prominent in the elderly population that can impact on the circulation of blood to your feet and the health of your feet in general, such as arthritis, diabetes and certain vascular conditions. Having your feet checked over regularly by a podiatrist can allow you to address foot health concerns before they become difficult to treat. Read on to find out more about how podiatry can benefit older people.

Skin And Nail Care

Podiatrists can treat ingrown nails, fungal nail infections and cracked feet. If you struggle to care for your feet, they can carry out clinical pedicures, which are similar to cosmetic pedicures but have the added benefit of your podiatrist being able to use medicated topical treatments, such as antifungal and anti-inflammatory creams. They can clean and dress any skin lesions and treat skin growths, such as bunions and warts. As your immune system can slow down as part of the normal aging process, viral conditions, such as plantar warts, aren't as likely to resolve on their own as they are in younger people. Your podiatrist can treat viral skin growths with cryotherapy, which is a treatment that uses nitrous oxide to destroy skin growths by preventing blood and oxygen from reaching the tissue.

Pain Relief

Certain age-related conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and hammertoes, can cause significant foot pain. If you have an underlying condition that affects the muscles and joints in your feet and you find your mobility is being affected, your podiatrist can show you how to massage your feet to loosen muscles and release tension. They can also show you how to do targeted exercises that will build strength in your feet and support your joints. Your podiatrist may also recommend you try supportive aids, such as custom-made orthotics, which can relieve pressure and reduce localised inflammation by modifying the distribution of weight across your feet.

If you'd like information on how a podiatrist could help you improve the health of your feet and support you to manage your foot care as you age, schedule a foot assessment.
